So this is what his main crib/bedding area looks like. We went with the Ahoy Mate bedding set from Babies R Us and I absolutely LOVE IT! We have the matching mobile and wall art and I also found an awesome life preserver that says 'Gone Sailing' for the other wall.

Here's another picture of his crib area from a different angle. You can see the life preserver better...

Here's a close up of inside the crib. The teddy bear used to be mine and the soccer ball is a present from his daddy!

Right next to the bed is his changing table area. (Blurry picture alert!) We have a contoured changing pad with a navy blue cover and navy blue bins on the shelves underneath for storage. There's also a matching diaper stacker on the side even though it's hard to see in this picture.

Here's a better picture of the changing table. In the bin on the top shelf are all the supplies like diaper rash cream, baby powder, extra wipes, etc. In the bins below are his newborn size onesies and sleepers. The diaper stacker is attached to the side and you can also see the diaper pail.

Lastly, these are the little shelves we put up above the changing table. I found the big sailboat on top at the local marketplace and I love it! The 2 smaller boats were cake toppers from the baby shower cake. The hat was a gift from his Auntie and she had it embroidered with his name. You can also see a few books we've started collecting for him. We definitely need more books ASAP!

So that's it! I still want to add a few more things, like pictures and maybe some more wall art, but that can all wait for now. As you can see I desperately need a new camera. The camera used to take these pictures belongs to my boyfriend and is probably 5 years old. My camera (although not much better) broke a while ago because I have the lovely habit of throwing it in my purse and I finally cracked the screen. A brand new 'mommy' camera is on my wish list and I've been
I had my 38 week appointment yesterday. It was a little disappointing because I'm no more dilated than last week and it seems that my contractions have slowed down. I guess I won't be getting that early birth that I originally thought! But the most important thing is that the baby finishes cooking and arrives healthy so I'm more than willing to wait. My mom has guessed that he will arrive on Monday the 26th... the next full moon! I guess I'll just have to wait and see! :)
Also, this weekend my sister and I are attending the Renegade Craft Fair in Los Angeles. I learned about this from Red Letter Rising which is one of my favorite blogs created by Corie. She's awesome and super crafty so I know that it will be fun if she recommends it. The only crafting I've been doing lately is my scrapbooking every week and knitting Cayden's baby blanket so hopefully going to this will inspire me and give me some new ideas! As soon as I start creating more stuff I'll start posting about it. If you know of any good crafting blogs please share them with me! I'm always looking for new ideas!

So that's it for now! Hopefully the next time you hear from me I'll have a baby in my arms!
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