Yesterday we took all of the Christmas stuff down, including the tree. Normally we leave it up until after the New Year but it seems Cayden's new toys have taken over our tiny little home and I was feeling a bit claustrophobic. It feels good to have my house back!
I'm still not quite sure what we'll be doing for the New Year. I kind of want to stay home with the baby and spend it with him, but I know Mando is itching to go out. We haven't gone out alone as a couple since before Cayden was born. I think I still need more time, but we'll see! I can't believe my baby boy is 5 months already! Next month we'll be feeding him solids! I am excited, but a little sad as well. He's growing so fast!
Now that the holidays are over I won't be so busy hopefully. I'm taking this time to start fresh, and plan for the future. We'll be moving in 2 months and I still need to find a new place! I'm also plotting ways to bring in some extra income now that I'm a stay at home mom. I'm excited to see what the future will bring!
Christmas Eve.

He's up!
For me?
Opening presents all on his own!
What could it be?
The best present a girl could ask for!
This one was bigger than he was!
Turns out, he loves his bouncer!

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