I remember when I was pregnant with Cayden I was searching Etsy for cute baby boy photo props for his newborn pictures and I stumbled upon the cutest sock monkey beanie and diaper cover set. I can't for the life of me find it now, but I remember it was made in Chile and ridiculously expensive to ship so I never bought it (I ended up going with a bear theme instead). Ever since I saw that set though, I've been IN LOVE with sock monkeys. Cayden has sock monkey onesies, sleepers, shoes, and toys. I think his monkey pal is so ridiculously cute and his
6 month 7 month pictures will have a sock monkey theme since I never got the newborn ones! This week, I've dedicated Friday Favorites to our favorite red and brown monkey pal.

As you might have noticed, I have a thing for cupcake toppers. These are no exception.

This sock monkey pillow is perfect for your little boy's room!

This sock monkey welcome sign is beyond adorbs for a birthday party!

Who doesn't love a monkey with a sweet mom tattoo??

I am so in love with this sock monkey earflap hat.
Lovely blog you hhave here